A little about Will

Let me say right up front that I’m no writer. I’m just a guy with a story to tell. I’ve often been lucky by being in the right place at the right time.

These stories are about the four and a half years I spent in the Alvin Group working for the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.

I remember all this like it was yesterday because of the big impact it had on me. It took my life and career on a track that I had never imagined before.

That was over 30 years ago and it’s been a wild ride sometimes. There’s the old question; “Do you know the difference between a fairy tale and a sea story?” A fairy tale starts out “Once upon a time” and a sea story starts out “This is no shit!”

Well read on because this is no shit!

Saturday, June 18, 2016

I saw Alvin coming up

Not all recoveries were terrifying, potentially dismembering events. Most were actually fun and in the flat calm weather you could do it with your eyes closed. 
We set out one afternoon in the Pacific that was as flat as the sea can get. Not a hint of a swell or ripple. If you dropped a quarter or a shiny washer overboard you could watch it sink for what seemed like hundreds of feet. I’ve never seen water so clear.
It was a very hot day so we launched the small boat a bit early so we could get a little swim time in. We had a couple of grad students along for the ride. As long as the weather was good we could take tourists out with us. Most wanted better camera shots of the whole ship. You had a better chance at getting a seat if you were cute and female(hey, we were young guys whose social lives at sea revolved around the graduate students who came to sea).
The Surface Controller had vectored us over to the area where he had calculated that Alvin was coming up. Once on the spot we killed the motor and four of us jumped over the side while the coxswain stayed in the boat. Wearing trunks, fins, mask and snorkel, I floated on my stomach alone about 30 yards from the boat. Swimming in the open ocean is a very different thing all together. This is definitely the deep end of the pool. Looking at the sun's rays penetrating down into that infinite depth with your ears submerged is a total sensory experience.
I could hear the other swimmers and some noise from the small boat but in the background was something else. It was very faint but I recognized it right away, it was Alvin’s underwater telephone. At 13 kHz it was right in the middle of the human audio band. I knew it was close so I concentrated looking down and breathing through the snorkel. It wasn’t long before I spotted it. Just a small white dot at the limit of my vision.
Like a bad pixel on a very large screen with all the rays of light dancing through the water.
I lay perfectly still with my arms out stretched watching Alvin get bigger and bigger. It finally came to the surface about 50 yards in front of me. There’s one good thing about being on the bottom of the learning curve. They would never let you do that now. The lawyers have had their hand in it and all the fun is gone from swimming now.

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